Tree Pruning
Pruning a tree is both a tool for keeping the health of your tree and improving its aesthetics. Whatever the reason behind pruning is, proper pruning approaches should be employed for a desirable outcome.
When to prune a tree is one critical factor for successful pruning. The best time to prune a tree depends on the reason behind why you need to prune your tree. Light pruning can be done all year round, as well as removal of dead wood. However, it is still best to prune your tree during the season that will not be harmful to the health of your tree.
Here are some guidelines as to when is the best time to prune a tree:
When to prune a tree is one critical factor for successful pruning. The best time to prune a tree depends on the reason behind why you need to prune your tree. Light pruning can be done all year round, as well as removal of dead wood. However, it is still best to prune your tree during the season that will not be harmful to the health of your tree.
Here are some guidelines as to when is the best time to prune a tree:
Fall Pruning
Pruning for form and structure can be easier achieved during the dormant season. Trees that are pruned during this season grow vigorously in spring. Silver Maple, Dogwood and Linden and other species that grow fast benefit a lot from fall pruning.
Winter Pruning
This is the most common time to prune trees. Pruning during the dormancy period helps prevent diseases among trees. Some tree species like Oak Wilt is a fungal disease that is carried by beetles and can be deadly for this species. It is best to remember that the best time to prune Oaks is during the winter season to prevent the spread of disease among them.
Spring Pruning
If your goal for pruning is to boost flowering and food production, the best time to prune is during the spring season. Lilac, Forsythia, and Magnolia are best pruned after their blooms have dropped.
Summer Pruning
If you choose to prune your trees in the summer, you are slowing the branches you do not want. This slowing effect is caused by the reduction of the total leaf, therefore diminishing the amount of manufactured food that is sent to the main roots. Also, pruning during summer is good for corrective purposes. Damaged limbs are more visible during this season, as well.
Storm Damage
If the tree has been damaged during a storm, you should not wait for the best season to prune it because the best time is right away. Hazardous branches or limbs should be eliminated as soon as possible. This is also true for trees that damages can no longer be handled by mere pruning. If the tree is not taken care of, it will affect other trees until every tree in your backyard is in danger. If the tree can still be saved, it should be restored by all means. But if it is beyond restoration then it should be eliminated as soon as possible to prevent it from causing future troubles.
Things to Remember When Pruning
Pruning is a critical aspect of tree maintenance. It is important that pruning is done properly. When pruning a tree, it is important to do it with caution because safety should always be a top priority. If you do not know exactly what to do with your tree, it is best to call your trusted professional tree service company.